All in Beauty

 26 Best DIY Body Scrubs

As we age. our skin cells die and build up due to the slowing down of collagen and elastin production. Collagen occurs especially in the skin and its reduction leads to ageing skin and wrinkles. Elastin, as the name suggests, gives our skin elasticity and the ability to bounce back. That is why you must have noticed that with age your skin starts sagging.

So, the best way to remove those dead cells is to start scrubbing regularly!!

How To Do Your Hair Spa Treatment At Home

Damaged hair, dandruff, hair fall, dry frizzy hairs, and oily hairs are some common problems all women face. A hair spa could improve your hair health and make you actually fall in love with your beautiful locks.

I am going to give you easy and simple recipes to do all the 5 steps at home, completely naturally and at little to no cost.

25 Best DIY Face Scrubs

We all know the importance of scrubbing in our beauty regimes. Scrubbing exfoliates our skin and removes dead cells, whiteheads, and blackheads.

Scrubbing accelerates your skin’s ability to replace old dead cells with the new one. Even if you don’t scrub your skin will eventually remove the dead cells but it will take at least 28 days and as you age this time keeps on increasing.