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17 Foods To Reduce Bloating

Feeling bloated sucks !!! One day you perfectly fit into a dress and the next day you are struggling with it. Bloating can get pretty annoying and uncomfortable.

But how do we actually get bloated?

There are two types of bloating- One that is caused by gas and the other is caused by water retention.

Gas bloat can be caused by eating certain foods. These foods can be different for different people. For some, it could be dairy or beans and for others, it could be cruciferous vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli.

Water bloat will make you look puffy all over. This type of bloat is caused by dehydration, hormonal changes during periods or eating a lot of salty food.

Whether it’s the gas bloat or water bloat these Superfoods can help de-puff you and make you feel great about yourself again (also you can again put on that dress!!).

1. Banana

Banana is a rich source of potassium. People often recommend reducing salt intake to treat bloating because sodium causes water retention which leads to bloating. However, potassium has the ability to flush off the excess sodium from your kidneys and reduce water retention and bloating.

Although eating one banana won’t magically make bloating disappear, increasing your total potassium intake can seriously do some wonders.

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2. Lemon Water

Include Lemon water in your daily routine. Lemon juice is very similar to our digestive juices and helps deal with bloating and indigestion. Lemon has both diuretic and laxative properties so it helps improve digestion as well as flushes the waste from kidneys.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt is a good probiotic source. Avoid packaged probiotic supplements which can cause gas and bloating. Instead opting for real foods packed with this healthy gut bacteria can be beneficial, says Courtney Schuchmann, R.D., a dietitian at the University of Chicago Medicine.

The good bacteria in yogurt helps populate the GI tract and keeps the digestive system healthy.

4. Celery and Fennel

Fennel seeds have three compounds anethole, fenchone, and estragole which have antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties that relax the intestinal muscle and allow trapped gas to dissipate. It also has diuretic properties.

Celery is high in fiber and water content. The water helps rehydrate the body and the fiber helps the digestive tract running smoothly.

5. Ginger

Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties. Studies show that it has de-bloating properties too. You can also add it to your lemon water. Ginger contains zingibaina, a digestive enzyme, which helps the body break down protein.

It also reduces inflammation in the colon, which helps the food pass through our system easily, and reduces the bloat and gas.”

6. Melon

Melons have nearly 90 percent water. The water content in melon helps hydrate the body and reduce bloating. They are also natural diuretics so they help remove excess water and salt from the body. Melons have potassium which helps our body flush out any excess sodium and water. Their potassium content is comparable to that of a medium banana.

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7. Avocado

Avocados are an excellent source of potassium and antioxidants and are even low carbs and keto friendly. They have just a one-fourth of the number of calories in a banana.

8. Cucumber

Just like melons, cucumbers also contain a lot of water which helps keep us hydrated and is excellent to clear out excess water retained in our cells and gas from our GI tract. Cucumbers also contain sulfur and silicon which are mild natural diuretic that makes us urinate and remove excess sodium from the body.

9. Asparagus

Asparagus contains an amino acid asparagine which is another diuretic that helps reduce water retention. Asparagus also contains prebiotic fiber which is good for the gut and keeps our digestive tract functioning properly. This long and lean veggie acts like a probiotic and aids digestion.

10. Kiwi

These beautiful green fruits are a source of an enzyme called actinidin. This enzyme acts as a catalyst and speeds up the digestion process. Just have two kiwis to get your daily dose of potassium and fiber and stay bloat free just for 90 calories.

11. Papaya

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain which is another enzyme to get faster digestion, breakdown proteins, and it also helps fight inflammation. The enzyme is great to keep your digestive system healthy especially during the menstrual cycle. Just limit the fruit to one cup a day as it has high fructose content.

12. Pineapple

Pineapple is another great fruit to keep away bloating. It contains bromelain, a digestion promoting enzyme.

13. Green Tea

You just can’t go wrong with green tea. It is said to have a slight diuretic effect and it flushes out excess water. It rehydrates the body and provides antioxidants. Keep an eye on the caffeine content though !!!

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14. Unsalted Nuts

These are especially great if you are PMSing. Nuts such as cashews and almonds are a great source of magnesium which is linked to reducing water retention during the menstrual cycle and nuts are also filling. They induce satiety due to healthy fats and a little protein.

15. Hard-boiled eggs

Hard-boiled eggs are a great option when it comes to healthy eating. They are high on protein so have a high satiety effect. They can be easily boiled and stored in the fridge for a quick on the go option later. Including boiled eggs and veggies together in your daily diet can help you stay away from bloating.

16. Peppermint, Ginger, and Chamomile Tea

Any of these three teas are an excellent choice. They help pass the food easily through the digestive system and also relieve gas which may be the cause of feeling bloated.

17. Coffee

Coffee is known to have a high diuretic effect it will make you pee more. It also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and can do wonders for the digestive system if taken in limited quantity (just one or two cups a day). It can also relieve you from constipation. Many people have to run to the bathroom within minutes of drinking coffee.

Apart from these anti-bloat foods try and increase your daily water consumption, stay away from high sodium processed and packaged food, increase the non-cruciferous veggies in your diet, and increase the daily potassium intake. These simple steps can make you stay away from bloating any day !!

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