Exercise or Not to Exercise During Periods?

Exercise or Not to Exercise During Periods?

This is a question which has puzzled almost every woman at some point in time. Doesn't matter whether you exercise or not during your cycle, but you definitely must have given this a thought. I am no different than you. There was a time in my life when this wasn’t even a concern for me. If you don’t work out, menstruating or not what difference does it make !! Life was simple back then, huh !!


Well, it seems with age and a screwed metabolism you think a lot and you learn a lot. So did I !!

To start with if you are lucky enough to have just a 2-3 days bleeding period, skipping workout could be an option but if you bleed for a good 7 days skipping your workout could be a major roadblock in your routine.

Before I start with the facts and research let’s just get this straight- There is nothing wrong with working out during your periods. This has been well established by research and even experts recommend working out while menstruating. But there are some do’s and don’ts you need to know before you put on your gym clothes and head out.

Menstrual Cycle- The Four Phases

So, before I start specifically with the bleeding period, you must be clear that being a woman your hormones can go really crazy at times. It’s not you but your hormones who should decide when you need to put an extra effort and when you need to go light on your workout. Your cycle affects your performance- this is not one of the numerous menstrual myths out there but a well-stated fact.

So, even though it’s safe to workout during any time of the month, you need to tweak your workout according to your cycle.

There are four phases of your monthly cycle (28-day cycle):

  • The Bleeding Phase (1st-5th day)

  • The Peak Phase (6th-13th day)

  • The Burn Phase (14th-23rd day)

  • The Fight Phase (24th-28th day)

The days may vary slightly according to your cycle.

The Bleed Phase is the toughest phase to workout. Both the oestrogen and progesterone levels during this phase are low, making you feel tired and a little low emotionally. And there are those painful cramps to make things worse.

Phase two or the Peak Phase starts from day 6 to 14th of your cycle. During this phase the uterus lining reforms and it’s the most fertile phase. You’ll feel strong and energised as your oestrogen levels are rising. This is the time when need to push yourself to work a bit harder than usual in the gym. Try HIIT during this phase or you can go for a boot camp workout.

During the third Burn phase starting from day 14 to 22nd, you’ll grow sharper with lots of oestrogen and progesterone in your body. Your metabolic rate will increase and your brain will be working at it’s best. Go for endurance or aerobic exercises during this phase.

From the 23rd day, your Fighting phase or the ‘pre-menstrual’ phase starts. Your oestrogen and serotonin levels drop drastically. This will leave you feeling stressed. You will also feel bloated due to water retention. Stick to gentle and light exercises during this phase.

Also Read: PCOS and how to lose weight with PCOS.

Workouts To Avoid During Periods


As I already mentioned above this time of the month leaves you feeling low both emotionally and physically due to a dip in both oestrogen and progesterone. So, even though working out is great during this phase, choosing the right workout is equally important.

HIIT is excellent to burn fat and increase endurance but it is very taxing on the body and you don’t want to end up feeling totally wrecked at the end of your workout. Long story cut short stay away from HIIT.

2. Yoga

Now don’t get me wrong here. Yoga can be very relaxing and make you feel energised. But there are some specific poses that you need to stay away from. Know by the umbrella term ‘Inverted Poses’, there are three types of poses that you need to ditch during this time- shoulder stands, headstands and plough poses.

When you are holding an inverted pose the uterus is pulled toward the head. This can cause the ligaments that support the uterus to stretch and cause a partial collapse of the veins that carry the blood supply away from the uterus. This may lead to vascular congestion and engorge blood vessels in the uterus, resulting in more bleeding and cramps as the arteries that supply the uterus continue to pump blood into the area.

3. Strenuous and Prolonged Workouts

Apart from the exercises, I mentioned above any other strenuous exercise for long bouts of time should be avoided. Listen to your body, if you feel unusually tired or uncomfortable cut back on your workout.

This does not mean you should not workout. A study published in the Journal of Physiotherapy & Physical Rehabilitation concluded that 60 minutes of moderate to intense exercise performed by women during menstruation caused exercise-induced inflammation. So, just keep the intensity low to moderate and reduce the time of your workout.

Also Read: Why women find it difficult to lose weight.

Recommended Exercises During Periods

1. Light Walking or Light Cardio

Walking is an easy exercise during your periods. You can adjust your speed to fit your level of comfort and burn some calories easily. Another option is cardiovascular or aerobic exercise but stick to a low-intensity exercise and cut back on the usual time you devote to cardio.

Research says that your lungs work better later in your cycle, so stick to keeping the intense cardio sessions for the latter part of your cycle such as during the second or third phase.

According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, performing light aerobic exercises may reduce PMS symptoms.

2. Strength Training

Weight training is another great option during periods. Weight training during periods is safe to do as long as you don’t feel any discomfort. You may even experience an increase in strength and power during periods. Strength exercises will be much more effective during this phase because there is less progesterone in your system to break down protein. Your body uses protein to build muscle, so the increased levels mean this is the perfect time for strength training.

But stick to low-volume strength training.You should decrease the weight you might normally use. Say no to heavy lifting at this time in your cycle. You can also do a mix of strength work and light cardio.

According to a 2016 doctoral thesis published by Umeå University, the first two weeks of your menstrual cycle may allow you to experience greater gains in strength and power due to low levels of female hormones.

3. Yoga, Pilates, and Stretching

Participate in more light and moderate intensity workouts such as yoga, pilates, and stretching. These exercises can help relax your body and reduce menstrual symptoms such as cramps, breast tenderness, fatigue, and soreness.

Yoga focuses on breathing and relaxation techniques so it can be a great medium to reduce the stress that you experience during or before periods. But do only the upright positions. Pilates, on the other hand, is great for stretching muscles and reducing cramps and the menstrual pain. Tai Chi is another good option for reducing tension and stress.

Also Read: Is being skinny the same as being healthy.


Avoiding workout during periods will not help you save energy or feel better. In fact, working out during periods helps you deal better with them. There are many benefits of working out during periods.

Exercising naturally increases endorphins in the body. This endorphin ‘high’ during periods can help elevate your mood and make you feel much better and energised. The endorphins released while exercising will also act as natural pain-killers. If you experience painful periods working out during this time and prove to be really helpful.

So, there is no particular reason to avoid working during periods if you cut back on the intensity. But most importantly pay attention to what your body says, if you feel unusually fatigued and just can’t pull yourself up, take a day off.

Feel free to browse through my other health tips. Follow me on Instagram to get your daily dose of health tips.

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