What Is Moringa And Why Is It Good For Your Health?

What Is Moringa And Why Is It Good For Your Health?

Moringa- sounds fancy right? But this is not some new exotic vegetable or fruit that has been imported and has hit the market as the new trendy weight loss promoter. 

Moringa, also known as Moringa oleifera, drumstick tree, the miracle tree, the ben oil tree, or the horseradish tree is a plant which has been used for centuries because of its health benefits. The plant is native to the sub-Himalayan areas of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Afghanistan. 

Although its leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and root have been used in Ayurveda to produce medicines to treat skin diseases, diabetes, anaemia, arthritis and rheumatism, asthma, cancer, constipation, epilepsy, stomach pain, headache, heart problems, high blood pressure, kidney stones, thyroid disorders, and infections for thousands of years, there has been a sudden increase in interest towards this plant.

Scientists are now working on identifying its various health benefits.


How Is Moringa So Beneficial?

Moringa contains many vitamins and minerals which are great for our health such as:

  • Vitamin A

  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

  • B2 (riboflavin)

  • B3 (niacin), B-6

  • Folate and ascorbic acid (vitamin C)

  • Calcium

  • Potassium

  • Iron

  • Magnesium

  • Phosphorus

  • Zinc

You would be surprised that just one cup of fresh, chopped moringa leaves (21 grams) contain (1):

  • Protein: 2 grams

  • Vitamin B6: 19% of the daily requirement

  • Vitamin C: 12% of the daily requirement

  • Iron: 11% of the daily requirement

  • Riboflavin (B2): 11% of the daily requirement

  • Vitamin A (from beta-carotene): 9% of the daily requirement

  • Magnesium: 8% of the daily requirement

Additionally, it is also extremely low in fats and contains no harmful cholesterol. If you do not have access to fresh moringa don’t worry, the popularity of this herb has made it quite readily available in powder and capsule forms also.

Although every part of this plant is highly beneficial, compared to the leaves the pods are generally low in vitamins and minerals. However, they are exceptionally rich in vitamin C. 

Moringa is also a rich source of antioxidants which act against free radicals in our body.

High levels of free radicals are associated with chronic diseases like heart disease and type 2 diabetes (2).

The various antioxidants found in moringa are:

  • Vitamin C 

  • Beta-carotene

  • Quercetin

  • Chlorogenic acid

One study found that women who took 1.5 teaspoons of moringa leaf powder every day for three months had significantly increased blood antioxidant levels (3).

It’s leaves also contains polyphenols which have cancer-fighting properties and may reduce risk of conditions, such as heart disease and diabetes (4).

However, moringa is also high in phytates — anti-nutrients that bind to minerals like iron, zinc, and calcium, and reduce their absorption by the body. (5).

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Benefits Of Moringa

As I already mentioned moringa has tons of benefits and this is not new to the world. Ayurveda has used moringa for ages and not just for health benefits but even for beauty.

1. Protects and nourishes skin and hair

Moringa seed oil protects hairs against free radicals and keeps them healthy. The hydrating elements of moringa not just boost skin and hair health but also treat any infections.

2. Protects the liver

Moringa appears to protect the liver and in case of any damage quicken the repair process.

3. Prevents and treats cancer

Although this has not been proven by science, moringa extract contains polyphenols that might help prevent and treat cancer. It also contains niazimicin, which suppresses the production of cancer cells.

4. Cures stomach problems

Moringa extract also helps treat many stomach disorders, such as constipation, gastritis, and ulcerative colitis. Vitamin B in moringa improves digestion and the antibiotic and antibacterial properties inhibit the growth of various pathogens.

5. Fights against Infections

The anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-microbial properties fight infections.

6. Makes Bones Stronger

As we have already seen moringa is also a good source of calcium and phosphorous, which help keep bones healthy and strong. 

7. Treats Anxiety and Depression

Moringa also helps in treating depression, anxiety, and fatigue.

8. Protects against cardiovascular diseases

Moringa contains many powerful antioxidants which prevent cardiac damage and help maintain a healthy heart.

9. Helps heal wounds 

Extract of moringa help wounds to heal as well as reduces the appearance of scars.

10. Treats asthma

Moringa assists better lung functioning and breathing overall. It is also helpful in reducing bronchitis constriction.

11. Protecting against kidney stones

Kidney stone is a very common problem among people nowadays. Moringa reduces the production of stones in the kidneys. 

12. Treating anaemia 

Anaemia is another very common problem, especially among women. Moringa might help a person's body to absorb more iron, therefore increasing red blood cell count. It is believed that the plant extract is very helpful in treating and preventing anaemia.

13. Weight loss

Although this has not been proven scientifically in humans, animal and test-tube studies show that moringa can reduce fat formation and enhance fat breakdown (6).

In one study, 130 people who were overweight were given moringa, turmeric, and curry leaves as a supplement or a placebo. Those given the supplement lost 11.9 pounds (5.4 kg) over 16 weeks, compared to only 2 pounds (0.9 kg) in the placebo group. They also noticed significantly decreased their LDL (bad) cholesterol and increased their HDL (good) cholesterol.

However, it’s unclear whether these benefits are due to moringa, one of the other two herbs, or a combination.

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Scientifically Proven Benefits Of Moringa

Till now we have seen benefits which are believed to be associated with moringa but have not been conclusively proven by scientists. However, there are many benefits which have been proved and established scientifically.

1. Moringa may lower blood sugar levels

High blood sugar over time can lead to diabetes and can be a serious health problem. Not just diabetes, high blood sugar level is linked to heart diseases also. Many animal studies have provided evidence that moringa reduces blood sugar. 

One study including 30 women showed that taking 1.5 teaspoons (7 grams) of moringa leaf powder every day for three months reduced fasting blood sugar levels by 13.5%, on average (7).

2. Moringa reduces inflammation

Infection or injury may lead to inflammation but it may become a major issue if it continues over a long period of time.Inflammation over long time can cause heart diseases and cancer.

Isothiocyanates are believed to be the main anti-inflammatory compounds in moringa leaves, pods, and seeds. 

3. Moringa can lower cholesterol

High cholesterol leads to increased risk of heart disease. Human-based studies have shown that moringa has cholesterol-lowering effects (8).

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Side-Effects Of Moringa

The leaves, fruit, and seeds of moringa might be safe for consumption. However, it’s root and extracts may contain a toxic substance that can cause paralysis and death. Using 6 grams daily for up to 3 weeks has been considered safe. 

Moringa may possess anti-fertility properties and is therefore not recommended for pregnant women. The root, bark or flowers of moringa should be avoided if you are pregnant. Chemicals in the root, bark, and flowers can make the uterus contract, and this might cause a miscarriage. To be on the safe side it is better to avoid moringa during pregnancy. 

Studies show no adverse effects in humans who consumed 50 grams of moringa powder as a single dose or 8 grams per day for 28 days (9). However, It is advisable that you consult a doctor before you start taking moringa. 

Moringa powder is also considered unsafe for anyone taking medication to treat diabetes or high blood pressure, or Levothroid (levothyroxine), a hormone that’s commonly used to treat hypothyroidism.

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There are a number of studies which have shown that moringa is indeed nutritious and beneficial in certain conditions. In fact, plenty of other researches are being carried out but are still in preliminary stages that are trying to prove many other benefits of moringa. If taken in proper dosage and with the approval of your doctor moringa can actually be the magical herb it is believed to be.

Feel free to browse through my other health tips. Follow me on Instagram to get your daily dose of health tips.

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